Saturday, January 8, 2011

Business to Business

Business to Business means a relationship between two different kinds of businesses like retailer and wholesale.

Math Symbols

Math Symbols are logical operators that allow you to do the four basic arithmetic operations in your machine

Remote Keyless System

Something that allows you to unlock your car

News Feed

A News feed is a form of RSS that delivers news links to your computer.


A Trademark is a form of copyright that says that you own a name or brand

Repetitive strain injury

An Injury of the muscle system that causes extreme pain

IC3 Certification

IC3 is a special test and certificate that you take to prove that you have skill in an area of computers or computer science.


A Wiki a an online resource that posts articles on topics or areas of a certain topic that anyone can edit. Some wikis are specific to a certain topic like how the wiki on the anime (Japanese animation) show, Bleach, has a wiki located in


A sniffer is a computer program or hardware that can intercept and log networking traffic.

Strong Password

A Strong Password is a password that includes alpha-numeric, non-alpha-numeric, and capital characters and has a long string


Spyware is a computer program/malware that reports information about your computer and yourself to a remote source. These reports can or do include user account information, cookies, browsing history, files, keystrokes, and other private data. A variant of spyware is adware which instead of reporting information to another source, uses that information to come up with the best ads to show to you. Spyware sometimes comes with rootkits which hooks to directory listings and OS API's to prevent the spyware's resources from being shown. Spyware can also change your browser's settings

Secure Sockets Layer

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a encryption that provides security over the internet


Telecommunication is when you communicate with someone or something over long distances

Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce)

Electronic Commerce is trading for stuff online

Hardware Firewall

A Hardware Firewall is a firewall that is completely made up of hardware.

Brute Force Attacks

Brute Force Attacks are when the computer cracks a password by generating a hash and testing that hash with the hash that its cracking and wont stop till it matches the hash but it takes a long time

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is when you think really hard about what your going to do


A Keylogger is a program that uses the operating system's hooking functions to "hook" to the keyboard and record keystrokes

Search Engine

A Search Engine is a really big piece of software that uses internet bots to look for internet resources


Plagiarism is when you copy stuff off the internet and say its yours and this is illegal

Link List

A Link List or Link Exchange is a group of websites that are linked together

Friday, January 7, 2011

Browser Hijacking

Browser Hijacking is when some malware program modifies the settings of a browser

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Phrase Searching

Phrase Searching is a search that you conduct to find a specific resource on the web with specific keywords

Peer-to-Peer (P2p)

A Peer to Peer Network is a network where nodes communicate with each-other without the assistance of a central server

Wildcard Character

A Wildcard character (commonly an Astrix (*)) is a character that can substitute any string of text

Digital Cash

Digital Cash is an economy that exists in the internet.

Online Learning

Online Learning or Online Schools are a kind of service that provides education through online resources like tutorials or PDF guides

Secure Sockets Layer

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol that provides protection when transferring data over the internet.


A Web app is an application that uses web based scripting to add dynamics.


A Copyright is a patent on some product saying that you own the rights to that product and only you can make copies or grant others the right to copy the product

Boolean Logic

Boolean Logic is the simplest kind of logic that is used in programming. It just states whether something is true or false. Like if a certain file exists in a remote filesystem, you would use a function to check if that file existed and if it did, you would declare a bool variable and set it to true. If the file diddnt exist, the bool variable would be set to false


A Blog, short for web log, is a small website containing articles that were written by someone. Its sort of like an online public diary


A Website is a collection of related web pages, images, and other resources

Web Cache

A Web Cache is a Cache of documents and other resources in the web to help with reducing bandwidth usage.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is just a collection of ideas and the developmental ideas in the internet.


A Uniform Resource Locator is a string of text that locates a resource in the web.

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites are websites that allow you to create "profiles" and then contact other users who have profiles.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a kind of way to get users to know about frequently published articles.


A Portal are just a bunch of web links that are in an organized fashion


A Podcast is a collection of files that is released episodically.


A Mosaic is a piece of art that is created by Glass

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

An ISP is a company that provides a service to connect to the internet usually for the exchange for a small fee.

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

An IP Address is a 32 bit number that represents the location of the network/node.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a networking protocol that is used for delivering web pages and executing web based applications

Hypertext Markup Language

Hypertext Markup Language is a kind of markup language(scripting that uses tags) that is used for creating static web pages

Home Page

A home page is the default page that is loaded when you start a browser


A Hit is when someone visits a website. Hits are measured to determine the sites popularity.

Geographing Imaging

Geographic Imaging means to map out nodes and networks in the internet.

File Transfer Protocol(FTP)

A Protocol that supports file transfer on the web.


A Domain Name is a identification label that links to authority or control in the internet.